SUBLiME, the Submit Unique and Brilliant Levels in to Metanet Event, launches today. It’s only open for two weeks, so get ready to make some great N levels, really really quickly.
We’re accepting submissions of levels specifically made for this event, using special versions of Ned (available at the SUBLiME entry page; link below) from anyone worldwide who wishes to send ’em in.
Our favourite submissions may make it into N+, garnering their author credit in-game and a free copy of the version in which their level appears. Level submitters may also receive some other lovely N+ swag. Fun all around!
Please check out (and rate, digg/whatever, or comment, if you could) our Instructable on How to Create A Good N Level, and then head on over to the SUBLiME entry page to read the full rules and guidelines, and send in your submission.
Good luck everyone!
DS: 32 x 24
PSP: 30 x 17
XBLA: 33 x 25
There are the NED dimensions for each platform, by the way.
I’m not old enough. As aren’t most of the people on N. Which is a shame really.
Anyway, I give permision to anyone who wants to remake any of my maps (AMomentLikeThis and MasterJmd) into this, as long as some sort of credit is given to me.
Nice idea for a competition, btw.
Erm, whoops. Original NED was 31 x 23.
@AMomentLikeThis: Can a parent/guardian submit for you? Also collaboration on maps is allowed — maybe you could pair up with someone?
Might be a good idea for anyone submitting maps through/with another person to toss us a quick email and let us know. We’re keeping super thorough records.
We tried to do our best to accommodate the countless level-makers under 18 ’cause we love you guys, but unfortunately this is all the legal crew would allow. Another disadvantage to not doing everything independently? But hopefully the benefits of getting N+ out will outweigh the costs.
Ok, I have two questions that got missed on the topic in the forums!
1) Can we submit old maps we have made into this competetion? (Once we have converted them over to a new format.)
2) Can we get an +18 year old from the forums to submit our map for us?
So will N+ in any of its forms have the capability to download maps that aren’t officially part of the game?
Okay, I’m an idiot. I just read the Atari press release on Kotaku and answered my own question.
I think the question now reduces to whether or not map-sharing will happen on the XBLA, as the release seems to indicate it’s a definite PSP/DS feature…although that question seems a pretty obvious yes.
So yeah, I’m an idiot. Unless the answer to that question is actually no, which would surprise me.
I’d like to know the answers to lord_day’s queries, as well.
In addition, what kind of maps are you guys looking for? Yes, yes, unique, but are you looking for another 80s-column, or are you looking for Good, solid episodic maps?
In addition, I assume collaborations and people submitting for others (Within the community) count towards each person’s submission of five maps. For instance, If I submit five of my own, and then one for a friend who isn’t 18, the last would be thrown out, yes?
Awesome, guys. One question, is there going to be something like this for N 1.5 as well, or should I get mapmaking?
@lord_day&Kablizzy: these have now been answered on the forums. Basically yes, you can submit old maps, but we encourage you to make new ones, and you can collaborate with people on the forums.
@Kablizzy: about the number of maps and collaborative maps you can submit — this is covered in the rules. Yes, you can only submit a total of 5, including collaborations.
@jtbandes: thanks! we’re not sure yet.
Thanks, guys, this is amazing!
This is cool, I always wanted a chance like this.
I’m glad N has come as far as it has, I remember playing it when it was still distributed in flash format (which I shamefully decompiled to see how it ‘ticked’), which must of been years back.
Congrats to the devs, and I’ll actually buy it for PSP, simply for supporting you guys (Even if you guys did sell out just an eensy bit to Atari, but almost any independent would jump at the chance anyway)
Here’s to hopeing some of the maps I submit make it somewheres, and for free swag!
This is so great. It would be fantastic to have a level in N+, and the goodies you get make this an unmissable opportunity too!
I had a problem submitting my first map, turns out you can’t put apostrophes in the map name. I deleted the first part saying $psp### while trying to work out what was wrong. So when you come across it, you won’t know which platform it’s for. Sorry!
You Have to do something like this for N 1.5!!
omg omg i am exited man!
but how old do you HAVE TO be?
Too cool. 🙂 I might just try to make one myself.
In these 3 games are they going to have an editor in them or is it just what they come with? because i love making maps for N so to do it on my 360 or PSP would be awesome.
i made a map for all three and submitted
OMG, it would be amazing if I were to get a level put on the console version of N. Once in a lifetime oppertunity. WIll they have a level editor in them? That would make the game a lot better. All my maps submitted.
Each game will indeed have an editor, and some ability to play maps created by others. We knew that would be important!
Woot I’m happy to here it 🙂
now i just hope my maps was picked
It’s great how the NED programs are used with Flash Player 9, and that they’re possible to enlarge and view full screen. I was wondering if it was possible to run N v1.4 using Flash Player 9?
This is great, will we be able to wirelessly download maps like on the DS? (ima big ds fan.)
We’re not sure if we’re allowed to announce features yet.. sorry! But we’ll post something as soon as we’re able.
well that was fun! I had played N a bit previous to hearing about this,. and now I appretiate the game a lot more. tricky bit o buisness it IS! cool to see it going on all those systems,. you guys hireing? peep my site,. levels, scripts, design, sound,. etc I just quite my day job,. net based contracting? unfortunatly I do still need to make the rent! lol
you’re the iteration games guy — nice, we’re fans of your stuff/style!
i’ll email you..
I’ve submitted three real levels and two that aren’t gonna make it in anyway because they had tons o’ glitches. :\ Hopefully one of them will make it in!
Uhh, i submitted 2 maps which are very similar, but one had a glitch, because all the objects were 1 block higher and 1 block to the left of the “planned” place, so i sent a second one with a few tiles to just make it play properly! Oh well… GlItChEd… lol
how do i make a map and stop that!
I wrote to your email with details about using the level editor; with regards to SUBLiME, it’s over.. sorry!
woo.. just got my N swag… now i cant wait for my personalized tee shirt and free game =D
“N” is my favourite game. Now I am playing N v1.4. I would like to ask you: when will N v1.5?
not for a while I’m afraid — first we need to finish N+, then Robotology!
Clearly. And how long you did N v1.4?
By the way, did not try to do strategy in flash?
is there an offical release date for N+ yet? cuz the gamestop site says 2/26/08. is that true.. am i gonna hafta suffer for that long without it!? that’ll leave me just over a week to enjoy it before god of war chains of olympus comes out =X..
And what is “N+”?
we haven’t heard any real dates yet; the handhelds will be in 2008 and the XBLA in 2007 though.
alex: N+ is a version of N we’re making for xbox360, DS, and PSP.
And what are you doing for PS now?
Sorr, I should write “PC”
we’re working on a game called “Robotology”, if you check out the rest of the posts on this blog, most are about that — just click the “robotology” link on the left side.
Do you have a russian version of this site?
k… just trying to see if this –> was accurate
it’s still being written so i don’t know if that date is accurate.. it should be sometime in Q1 of 2008 i think.
How did you do the system of the taking information from Windows to flash-file(example: the using of file “userlevels.txt”). What method did you use?
Will you make N under GPL license ?
we want to port N to actionscript 3, which is a much more robust language (very similar to c#/java rather than javascript), which will then allow people to use the source without needing to buy flash.
we still plan on releasing the source code, however as time goes on and we learn more we feel pretty embarrassed by how poorly some parts are designed — the UI/menu code in particular is horrible.
if you check out our tutorials you can get all the physics/collision code, which is the main interesting part of the game anyway.
Where can I download n_v1.4.FLA &
Where can I download N_v1.4.FLA ?
Could you tell me, why all my saves in N were deleted? I don’t do nothing before this.