Last day for entries: the SUBLiME

18 Jun / by: M&R / 5 comments /

Today, Monday June 18, is the last day to submit your Unique and Brilliant maps. You’ve got until 10:00pm EST to get those last minute ideas in!

Don’t forget to check out our Instructable if you need help making a good level, and here’s the link for SUBLiME one more time. Good luck!

comments ( 5 )

  • I just sent my fourth in, and I’m going to be finishing that fifth today. I’m hoping I get a level in, because my creative juices need some inspiration. Making those levels was tough!

    Expect me to have all three versions of N+!

  • Rushed five maps for the contest today, sent it some time before the deadline.

    Figuring out what to make was tough, and it was tougher not to let the eerily squished layout for PSP maps affect what I want to make in a map.

    Fun activity though.

  • Chaged my mind about entering a map, I’d rather have the challenge of beating other people’s maps than come across mine and breeze through it!

  • Just wanted to say I think SUBLiME was a brilliant idea, and I’m looking forward to seeing what new maps there will be in N+. I’d have probably submitted a bunch myself if it weren’t for the non-competition agreement with my employer… maybe next time.

    Just don’t be surprised if I steal this idea from you someday! 😀

  • duly noted 😉

    what we really wanted to do was hire some of the best map authors to do level design, but for various legal and time reasons that wouldn’t work.. this seemed like the next best thing.

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